
Training / Consultation

Our experience with years of investigating workers’ compensation claims has offered us a valuable insight to the correlation that the final outcome of a claim is often directly related to the manner in which the claim was handled when it was first reported – BEFORE an insurance company was involved. Companies with a solid policy in place in dealing with a workers’ compensation claim, regardless of whether it was legitimate or not, seemed to realize better outcomes to some of these claims.
Armed with this correlation, we set out to develop a training / consultation program to assist companies change their approach to dealing with workers’ compensation issues and handling each new claim, regardless of legitimacy. We developed a program geared to changing a company’s attitude toward workers’ compensation and teaching them how to treat each new claim as a LEGAL PROCESS, rather than a thorn in the side. In addition, we have a program designed to assist businesses in conducting their own “Early Onset Investigations”, as well as a program presented to employees that explains to them their rights and responsibilities if they are injured on the job and what to expect if they themselves are injured or they are witness to an OTJ injury.
In addition, we offer a variety of firearms training courses to include the NRA Basic Pistol Course, NRA Home Firearms Instructor Course and the NC concealed carry handgun course. Personal firearms instruction is available on a cost per hour basis with certified firearms instructors.