
Early Onset Investigations

What is your company’s approach to workers’ compensation claims? Workers’ compensation insurance coverage – mandated by law – is set in place to protect employees against injuries sustained on the job. When it works as intended, the injured employee is taken care of and returns to work as anticipated. However, a fraudulent or exaggerated claim can be costly -VERY COSTLY!
Consider this….. would a thief deciding which house to burglarize be more likely to target a location without an alarm system, with neighbors at work and secluded within the woods OR the target protected with security camera’s, neighbors supervising the property and a guard dog looking out the window. The parallel can be drawn to a company’s attitude and response to workers’ compensation claims.
Your company’s attitude in the immediate aftermath of an alleged claim sets the tenor for the duration of the claim. If your process is unorganized and not given the priority required, you may find yourself a breeding ground for workers’ compensation abuses. With the proper procedures in place to deal with workers’ compensation or a liability claims, a shield is put in place that serves to deter those that may attempt to file a fraudulent claim or may dissuade them from malingering or exaggerating a claim.
Surveillance & Security Solutions, LLC can assist your company in several ways. We can provide training and consultation services to assist you in setting up or refining your existing early onset investigations program or we can provide a professional investigator to conduct those investigations on your behalf. Either way, creating the proper company ATTITUDE toward workers’ compensation goes along way in mitigating loss from improperly handled or fraudulent claims.